The Family Couch

Yes, I’m Scoping And You Can Too!

When I heard about Periscope from my business coach a few months ago I thought it sounded like a great idea for connecting and reaching out to others. A platform where you can share who you are and what you’re doing with people who can watch you live. On one hand, it may seem a bit intrusive. But, on the...[ read more ]

Why Paternity Leave Is Important For Families

It was such an honor to speak with Jennifer Fraone, from the , about the research the are doing to increase paternity and family leave in the United States. Jennifer is the director of the New England Work & Family Association. She has been a part of the research the links work-life balance to better employee outcomes. The result of...[ read more ]

A Father’s Role In The Family Unit

In this audio, I got to interview ShaRon Rea  who is a Certified Life and Parenting Coach, Author, Speaker and Founder of The Whole Family Coaching. In this talk we get into what the fathers role is in a family system, how fathers can be included in their family unit, and what does a father bring to the family.       Listen...[ read more ]

Part 3: Teacher and Student

This is part three of the 5-part series: Relationships Are Complicated! Check out parts one, two, four and five. You know that as a parent one of your main roles is to teach. Teach your child how to walk, talk, go to the potty, get along with others, develop morals – the list goes on. But, did you know that one your best teaching...[ read more ]

No More Dad Bashing and Being Intentional As A Dad

It was such an honor an pleasure to talk to Joseph Sanok, MA, LLP, LPC, NCC for today's interview. Joseph is a father,  a licensed professional counselor (LPC), a limited licensed psychologist (LLP), a nationally certified counselor (NCC) and owner of Mental Wellness Counseling. In this interview we talk about a variety of topics that include why we need to stop dad bashing,...[ read more ]

Part 2: Shame and Guilt Aren’t Necessary

This is part two of the 5-part series: Relationships Are Complicated! Check out part one, three, four, and five. The more I work with families the more I see that shame and guilt take up a huge amount of space in our heads. Not only do you have to make all the decisions for your child, but you are tasked with doing...[ read more ]

Fathering To The Strengths of Your Children

Being able to speak with Wayne Jones was such a treat. Wayne is a father, grandfather, and co-author (along with his wife) of Great Parenting Skills (GPS) for Navigating Your Kid’s Personality. We talked about how father’s can develop their skill set, what roles does a father play in their family, how grandfathers can be a supportive force in their family...[ read more ]

Part 1: It’s A Lifelong Process

This is part one of the 5-part series: Relationships Are Complicated! Read part two, three, four, and five. I was thinking the other day that being married is pretty much the same as being a parent. You have to take care of another person who may or may not be able to make it through their day without a little help....[ read more ]

5 Ways That Being A Father Has Changed My Life

I am not the man that I used to be. In fact, I am better. Much better. Becoming a father may be the one thing that has changed my life more than anything. Well, almost anything. Marrying an amazing woman who has become my best friend and adventurous life partner was also a very good choice! The truth is that...[ read more ]

Re-Imaging The Fathers Presence in the Family

Traditionally fathers were only there for the extremes. The traditional American version of Father would be a man who worked all day and when he come home his child was overjoyed to see him. Perhaps he played with the child for a short while and then it’s dinner, bath, and off to sleep. If, during the day, the child or...[ read more ]